Many Sassa Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant candidates may have gotten a “Pending” status and may be uncertain of what this signifies regarding the status of their application. What the “Pending” status really indicates is as follows.
According to the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa), the application status of “Pending” indicates that the applicant’s request has not yet been granted. The applicant’s information is still being scanned by the agency so that it can be validated.
Sassa advises applicants to check their Social Relief of Distress (SRD) award status frequently for any changes. The agency verifies the applicant’s name, last name, and ID number with the Department of Home Affairs after the application has gone through the verification process.
Their ID numbers are compared against several databases, including the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF), South African Revenue Services (SARS), and National Student Financial Aid Scheme, to confirm that applicants are not already in receipt of other subsidies or income (NSFAS).
After that, a fraud risk scoring process scans the applicant’s ID number and phone number. If their application is accepted, they will be paid via Cash Send, the Postal Service, or their bank.
Many applicants still have a “Pending” application status even though the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) is still processing payments for the current cycle of the R350 grants. According to Sassa, the agency has been working hard to keep up with the flood of recent applications, which is why these applicants are suffering this wait.
Sassa acknowledged the backlog of applications from May and stated that they are working on a project to address the issue. The applicants may have received their July payments prior to their May payments in order to resolve this issue.
The organization aspires to send its beneficiaries’ May payouts in August. Beneficiaries should be aware that even though they might receive their May payments in August, Sassa evaluates each month separately, so they won’t get double or lump sum payments.
Sassa may require more information from applicants to confirm the information provided when they submitted in order to clear the backlogs.