The South African Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJ&CD) Internship Program is an excellent opportunity for unemployed youths to gain experience in the public sector and contribute positively to the country’s development.
The program also allows interns to gain exposure to the many facets of the DOJ&CD as an equal opportunity, affirmation action employer. With a focus on providing practical, hands-on experience and mentorship. Fortunately, the internship invites even candidates living with disability to participate in the program and assist in the various divisions and offices within the department.
About the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJ&CD)
The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJ&CD) of South Africa is a vital institution that provides administration and financial stability to the nation’s court system. It is responsible for the implementation of laws and regulations, the promotion of justice, and the protection of civil and political rights.
Furthermore, the department has been instrumental in providing legal advice to the government and monitoring the human rights situation and the development of the South African criminal justice system by helping to make it more accountable and efficient.
Who should apply for the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development internship?
The department of Justice and Constitutional Development internship program invites all South African unemployed graduates and TVET students with eligible qualifications. Also, applicants must ensure they have not participated in or been part of any other internship program or in-service training. Since the internship is in all regions, applicants applying outside their region must be ready to secure and pay for their accommodation with the mindset that the program will not pay salary but stipends. The stipends allocated to the interns are according to their qualifications, as listed below.
Stipend breakdown
- National Diploma up to R4500.00 per month
- Bachelor’s degree up to R5000.00 per month
- Postgraduate diploma professional qualification up to R6000.00 per month
- Honors degree up to R7000.00 per month
- Master’s degree u to R7000.00 per month
Moreover, applicants who scale through will participate in the program, which will last for 12 months, and receive placement in the youth development centers (15 posts). During the application, candidates are permitted to state their area of choice clearly but must include the reference number.
Centers, requirements for the placement, and reference numbers
Center: National Office- Justice College
Requirement: National diploma, Bachelor’s degree, postgraduate diploma, honors or master’s degree in Operational Management
Reference Number: YD\NO\01×2
Center: National Office-Justice College
Requirement: National diploma, Bachelor’s degree, postgraduate diploma, honors or master’s degree in Industrial Engineering
Reference Number: YD\NO\02×2
Center: National Office- Justice College
Requirements: National diploma, Bachelor’s degree, postgraduate diploma, honors or master’s degree in Business Analyst
Reference Number: YD\NO\03×1
Center: National Office- Legal Process
Requirements: National diploma, Bachelor’s degree, postgraduate diploma, honors or master’s degree in Office Administration, Public Management, Public Administration, Business Management, and Administration
Reference Number: YD\NO\04×2
Center: Gauteng Provincial Office- Legal Process
Requirements: National diploma, Bachelor’s degree, postgraduate diploma, honors or master’s degree in Translation and or Legal Interpretation
Reference Number: YD\GP\01
Center: Mpumalanga Provincial Office- Legal Interpreting
Requirements: National diploma, Bachelor’s degree, postgraduate diploma, honors or master’s degree in Translation and or Legal Interpreting
Reference Number: YD\MP\01
Center: KwaZulu- Natal Provincial Office- Legal Interpreting
Requirements: National diploma, Bachelor’s degree, postgraduate diploma, honors or master’s degree in Translation and or Legal Interpreting
Reference Number: YD\KZN\01
Center: Northern Cape Provincial Office
Requirements: National diploma, Bachelor’s degree, postgraduate diploma, honors or master’s degree in Translation and or Legal Interpreting
Reference Number: YD\NC\01
Center: Limpopo Provincial Office- Legal Interpreting
Requirements: National diploma, Bachelor’s degree, postgraduate diploma, honors or master’s degree in Translation and or Legal Interpreting
Reference Number: YD\LMP\01
Center: North West Provincial Office- Legal Interpreting
Requirements: National diploma, Bachelor’s degree, postgraduate diploma, honors or master’s degree in Translation and or Legal Interpreting
Reference Number: YD\NW\01
Center: Western Cape Provincial Office- Legal Interpreting
Requirements: National diploma, Bachelor’s degree, postgraduate diploma, honors or master’s degree in Translation and or Legal Interpreting
Reference Number: YD\WC\01
Center: Eastern Cape Provincial Office- Legal Interpreting
Requirements: National diploma, Bachelor’s degree, postgraduate diploma, honors or master’s degree in Translation and or Legal Interpreting
Reference Number: YD\EC\01
How to apply for the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development Internship Program
- All applicants must submit their application to any of the addresses below. All applicants must include the completed and signed Form Z83 in their applications. The form can be obtained at any Public Service Department or online here.
- A CV
- Certified means of identity
- Senior certificate and the highest required qualification
The department will conduct security screenings on RSA citizenship, criminal record, credit record, and qualification verification.
ADDRESS: Private Bag X81, PRETORIA, 0001 or Hand deliver to 329 Pretorius Street, C/o Pretorius and Sisulu Street, PRETORIA, 0001
ENQUIRIES: Ms. Samantha Fisher (012) 315 4843 or Mr. Tokelo Moja (012) 315 4847
ADDRESS: The Provincial Head: Gauteng, Private Bag X6, Johannesburg, 2000 or hand deliver to 7th Floor Schreiner Chambers, Corner Pritchard and Kruis Street, Johannesburg.
ENQUIRIES: MS Rachel Moabelo (011) 332 9019
ADDRESS: Private Bag X 11249, Nelspruit 1200 or hand deliver to physical address: 24 Brown Street, 4th Floor, Nedbank Building, Nelspruit 1200
ENQUIRIES: Ms KN Zwane (013) 753 9367 or Ms Sedibe E (013) 753 9370
ADDRESS: Interested applicants must submit their applications for internship programme to the Justice offices / Magistrate’s Courts where the position they are applying for is advertised. The Provincial Head, Private Bag X 54372, Durban 4000 or hand deliver to Provincial Office, 2 Devonshire place (off Anton Lembede Street) Durban
ENQUIRIES: Ms Naicker R (031) 372 3082 or Zulu Mondli (031) 372 3077 and Mtolo Mduduzi (031) 372 3076
ADDRESS: Department of Justice, New Public Building (Court Building), Corner Knight and Stead Street, Kimberley, 8301, 7th Floor
ENQUIRIES: Mr. R Muller (053) 802 1317(27) or Mr J Tope (053) 802 1317(66)
ADDRESS: Private Bag X20578 Bloemfontein 9300, or hand deliver to Physical Address 53 Colonial Building Charlotte Maxeke Street Bloemfontein 9300.
ENQUIRIES: Ms Letsela D (051) 407 1831
ADDRESS: Private Bag x 9526, Polokwane 0700 or hand deliver 92 Bok Street, Polokwane, 0700
ENQUIRIES: Ms Mongalo MP (015) 287 2037, Ms Lamola V (015) 287 2035, Ms Manyaja M (015) 287 2026, Mr Mongwe PM (015) 287 2034 or Mathosa M (015) 287 2147
ADDRESS: Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, Private Bag X 2033, Mmabatho, 2735 or hand deliver Provincial Office North West, 22 Molopo Road, Ayob Gardens, Mafikeng
ENQUIRIES: Ms Tshegetso G (018) 397 7070 or Mr Botlhole T (018) 397 7111
ADDRESS: Provincial Head: Private Bag X 9171, CAPE TOWN, 8000 or hand deliver to physical address: No. 8 Riebeeck Street, 5th Floor, Norton Rose House Building, Cape Town, 8000
ENQUIRIES: Ms L Keyster (021) 462 5471 or Ms R Hendricks (021) 462 5471
ADDRESS: The Provincial Head Eastern Cape, Provincial Office East London,Private Bag X 9065,East London,5200 or hand deliver to Physical Address NO 3 Phillip Frame Road, Chiselhurst, East London, 5200
ENQUIRIES: Dr M Feni ( Tel No 043 702 7029 Ms. N Dyani (Tel No 043 702 7009 Mr L Qayi (Tel No 043 702 7003 or Mr P Hattingh (Tel No 043 702 7000